July 2023 Book, Altar to an Erupting Sun

Talk About Books meets every third Wednesday of the month at the Guilford Free Library at 6:30. 

As we are anticipating a larger than usual turn-out, we will hold the July discussion at the Broad Brook Community Center, next door to the library.

Altar to an Erupting Sun is a near-future story of one community facing climate disruption in the critical decade ahead. Rae Kelliher is a veteran environmental activist and pioneer in the death-with-dignity movement. Facing a diagnosis of terminal illness, she engages in a shocking suicide murder, taking the life of an oil company CEO for his role in delaying responses to climate disruption. Seven years later, Rae’s friends and family gather at her Vermont farm community to try to understand her violent exit and the rapid social transformations around them. 


Chuck Collins is a Guilford Vermont resident. He is a campaigner and storyteller who has worked for decades on environmental and economic justice campaigns. He is the Director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies where he co-edits Inequality.org.  He is co-founder of Divest-Invest, a global movement to divest from fossil fuels and invest in climate solutions; and trustee of the Post-Carbon Institute and Resilience.org



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