January 2023 Book, Night Watchman


Talk About Books meets every third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 at Guilford Free Library. We enjoy meeting in person, but there is always a zoom option available. Books for the following month are selected by those present at the meeting.

Louise Erdrich bases this novel on a real person. She uses the letters written by her grandfather which detail his resistance against termination bills meant to assimilate Objiwe people into broader American society through a variety of means, including the end of federal recognition of the sovereignty of indigenous tribes.  Erdrich has referred to the letters as "[...] beautiful, full of humor and storytelling." She based The Night Watchman on his loving personality and commitment to his tribe.

This historical fiction provides detailed descriptions of surroundings and relationships between characters. Alongside the political story line, readers follow a variety of other characters through daily life on the reservation, family tragedy, boxing matches, and romance. It is written in third person, follows a number of characters, and in some instances, animals. The story switches narrators between other characters in the book to give different perspectives.


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