November Book, Commonwealth

Ann Patchett's latest novel follows six siblings over a period of 50 years.

An embrace at a christening party between a man and woman married to other people leads to multiple divorces and remarriages. Patchett follows the two semi-connected families for the next 50 years, as the children become adults and the grown-ups become old. The nine chapters, which feel at times like short stories, proceed mostly chronologically, with regular flashbacks and occasional depictions of the same event from more than one person’s perspective. Insofar as there’s a main character, it’s Franny, who after babyhood becomes an avid reader, drops out of law school, dates a successful novelist and remains devoted to her family.

Patchett's books are intelligent and engaging. In 2011 she started an independent bookstore in Nashville, becoming a heroine in the world of modern publishing.  She once wrote, “Writing is a job, a talent, but it’s also the place to go in your head. It is the imaginary friend you drink your tea with in the afternoon.”


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